This website was originally started back in 1993 as a Sacramento native, transplanted to the SF Bay Area for college tried desperately to keep up on the latest happenings of his hometown team. Scratchy AM radio reception and USENET newsgroups just couldn’t provide enough daily chatter for this die-hard Sacramento Kings fan. As the Internet was beginning to evolve, particularly across college campuses around the country, an idea to bring Kings fans outside the Sacramento area together to share their thoughts and knowledge of the team was just a logical next step.
On November 5, 1993, “Nate’s Unofficial Sacramento Kings Website” was launched to coincide with the start of the NBA regular season. Over those first couple years there was plenty to talk about - the Bobby Hurley accident, as well as the 1994-95 playoff run. A devoted online fan base quickly developed and, once silent Sacramento Kings fans from around the country had a place to share their thoughts on the team.
In October 1997, the website officially got its own domain name as “TheKings.net”. This was changed a year later to “SacKings.com”. During the next 8 years, the website experienced unprecedented growth and popularity due to the success of the team on the court. International players like Vlade Divac and Peja Stojakovic broadened the site’s fan base world-wide. Local and national news outlets talked about the site. Forward Chris Webber complained about the site. At its peak in 2004, the popular fan forum had more than 10,000 registered users.
However, the party couldn’t last. During the second half of the decade, the team and SacKings.com both went through a severe downturn. Fan participation dropped off, and other obligations prevented the website owners from maintaining the site at its normal high level. More Sacramento Kings fan websites were being launched and ultimately diluting the pool. SacKings.com was no longer King.
Today, a new effort has started to revive this once proud giant more than 25 years after its initial launch. A new approach on building a community of Kings’ die-hards from around the globe is underway and we all hope you can do your part to help make SacKings.com the best Sacramento Kings fan site once again.
Oh, by the way... SacKings.com is a not-for-profit website wholly owned and operated by fans of the Sacramento Kings. We are in no way affiliated with the Sacramento kings organization or the NBA. Nor are we associated with any local, regional, or national sports networks. Our primary goal has always been to provide Sacramento Kings fans with an independent online platform to share their passion for this team and that is what we will stay true to for the life of this website.